Where You Can Find Me
For anyone who will drop by here, you can find me at
My original blog has been "restored" at the above address so please stop by and say hi!!
A petal that isn't torn, A heart that will not harden, A place that I can be born, In my secret garden ... A rose without a thorn, A lover without scorn
For anyone who will drop by here, you can find me at
Well, I have decided to stay home today. With all the work I've done this past two weeks, even carrying work home ... I think I deserve a "Work From Home" day which I have decided to take today. I'm an on call person so no doubt my cell phone will ring constantly through out the day but I really need a break. I took some work home yesterday but was just too tired to look at it so I'll work on those today in the comfort of my boudoire!!
These past two days have been quite rainy. Cats and dogs as they say. It's the kind of weather that makes you want to stay home, curled up in bed with your honey or a good book and a comforter. Real nice weather. Pity we have to go to work every day!!
In light of my missing blog, and for those of you who may not have read this, here it is again.
The soothing touch of a loved one, the gentle kiss good morning, the soft caress of affection, the tenderness of love-making ... Ooohhh ...
We have heard that saying so many times on the many informercials we see on cable tv these days. However, I would like to apply this phrase, not to any weight loss pill guaranteed to make you lose 20 lbs in one week while you still eat all you want, not to any natural male enhancement pill guaranteed to give you longer, harder erections for giving ultimate pleasure to your female partner, not to any vacuum cleaner guaranteed to clean your floor so clean, you will want to eat your dinner off it. No, no, no. I would like to apply this phrase to some of the men and women we have today.
My parents (both Primary school principals by profession) participated in a Ministry of Education sponsored program with MSVU in Canada and both were awarded their "Diploma In School Management". The graduation ceremony was held yesterday at the Ritz Carlton in Montego Bay.
I can't begin to tell you all how pissed I am. This was a rotten weekend. To add insult to injury, I deleted my original blog by mistake on Saturday. So, all my posts, everything I have said, implied, instructed, advised - GONE!!! I have written to blogger to see if there is any hope of getting it back and still await their response.
Welcome to my secret garden. Previously known as "Patience Is A Virtue", My Secret Garden is the new beginning of Cool Destiny. I am yet to decide the fresh new twist and turn of this blog but hope that all my faithful visitors will continue to do so.